It may seem a good joke, yet I assure you that it is the absolute truth.
Time has come for me to let emerge the essence of the female one in the whole globe, arousing it directly from the Sacred Temple that welcomes me,  here, on Earth where I walk together with you, once again.
I am the Goddess, the female side of God. Your Eternal Mother, Teacher and Commandant. The Mother of all the Angels of the First Creation that today are walking on the Earth with me, and they are great in numbers, believe me, since physical laws governing the Angelic Body they seem for you a “miracle” or “magic”.
My footsteps illuminate your dark existence: tired not to be listened from who prays me and says “hosanna”, in thousand ways and under thousand names and aspects, I have gone down among you, as every Mother would do to reaching out her needy children.
On Earth, the vision of your pains has another aspect and the magic of the miracle has been transformed  in a mere directed teaching.
Only by changing your ways of intellectual views you can go out of the harimanic world, only by letting shine the sacred Flames that we breathed  into you,  you can go out of your minds’ labyrinth that shamelessly lie in your thoughts. Only by allowing the essence of the feminine to penetrate in you, you may  become similar to the Angels of Heaven. Only a masculine and female parity of energetic essences, can  raise you to the Divine rank.
Angels also have a sex, therefore it is logical that you have the sex that diversifies you in your nature of man and woman.
Also God the Father has a sex, otherwise how would I have conceived his Family and give birth to Angels and to Chief Gods and Goddesses ?

Please, think about what I told you.

Goddess Sophie