The God and the Goddess, seen the miserable state of the earth and its inhabitants, has decided to go down from the sky ,camouflaged as simple human beings, in order to make that mess up: hard task, supported by their powerful love for each other. Imagine they have split the Earth, The Goddess the west side and the God the east one as They are the God of Love so much in love ! Let’s try to think about their pain for living separate.
" But won't you think they still stand each others? "
" They do Love each other! "
Just imagine: seen that social ignorance and environmental degrade , the God and the Goddess decided to restore the Celestial Law , that in distant and closer times has been corrupted and distorted in all Their sentences and in their facts , by the beings submitted to the forces of the Evil .
Imagine that all that you see and you believe is right , actually is wrong . Think that the good is not understood anymore and for consequence is exchanged for evil , while " crafty " is hiding for the true good. What are you gonna, then?
" Megan, I’m your conscience, what would you do? "
" Crickey! What a big question , shall I have to answer… seriously? "
" Yes, you have to , otherwise it’s all so pointless? "
" OK, I’ll try to… "
Obliviously is not easy to see all the true or false things ; how will it do a doctor to take cure without the chemistry? Once was the alchemist , the thaumaturge , the witch, the fairy and so on…,Today there are the pharmacology and the chemistry. Which will be the right way ? For certain the one that follows the money’s !
" No Megan, the one who takes you to the nature is right ! "
" Ops, I had forgot it, lost "
How will the gravedigger manage for living if God and Goddes will remove the death from the earth ? No more holydays and what shall they will do of all those caskets?
“Conscience of mine , you’re strong today , aren’t you ? I don’t know… gravedigger could go to plant new trees and transform caskets in comfortable garden chaise- long "
" Hmm, just brilliant Megan! "
And what about the war? Megan , how they will manage to keep on making wars?"
" Oh, God is a great warrior , he will succeed to get away the weapons of their hand. It has said that He would have transformed all the weapons in ploughshares to work the soil , also the Rolling Stones preached to put flowers in our guns! Then all these Presidents could became a farmer and plant potatoes ,cabbages ,carrots and onions, wheat… surely they will eliminate the hunger from the world; more over: they would get tanned of true sun , in stead to have arid hearts and yellow faces by the anger. They could make the water thrown out of ground ,instead of the petroleum The water would revive the desert and to move cars , even also trains and airplanes."
" Megan, I will propose you as president to next elections! "
" Thank you, conscience, but I prefer to make something else , I have my kitchen garden already "
"And what about the religion , where shall we put it? "
"Oh, what “imbroglio” , my head aches to consider , shall we postpone to this matter? I guess not , shall I have to face anybody ? No, are all alike , with the guts of one you can strangle all ! I prefer the atheists, because in their unbelieving after all , they are the best ones , I bet it : I have known honest and good heart people that believed in something and I bet seven on ten that if they met the God and the Goddess , they would invite them to lunch and supper and they would listen to Their stories , ready to follow them.
Instead, The Roman caliph wrapped in his infallibility, he would consider them like they were insane, he would give them his effigy, his Gospel or his last book of poems, a hasty benediction and the suggestion to retire in prayer and ask the forgiveness (to themselves) for the claimed heresy. As for the other princes of the church, they could be divided in many factions: those that follow “mammona” and the gold, those that with hoods on their heads they retire to do Babylonian rites and to take the Eucharist made of virgins meat and blood. Those that tell beads and live with bated breath and the pants gone down to the feet. Those that believe but cannot act. Those that know and are afraid of what they have always said and gave to understand, and strange thing, they preache the death to the cross of a poor God but they’re living in luxury and in crapulence of every thing… "
"Megan, don’t fear this, don’t be afraid, this is the truth; you will be protected. You go on in courage! "
“Oh my conscience, but are you crazy? "
"No, I am wise! "
"OK. It seems to me that Jesus said He was the trunk and when the branches were parted from it, it would have been the abomination, the schism of the church. Yet I assure you that He didn't want to create a new religion, He wanted to open the doors of the celestial kingdom to the inhabitants of the earth. He wanted to protect and take care of the poor and suffering men, He wanted to give women the freedom to speak and to act, ‘cause He considered them superior to men, as after all they were the generating ones and first teachers of the just born souls. He wanted to prevent nature and animals from irresponsible death and to fight the ignorance. Here it is what He has told me the day before yesterday at the bar, while drinking his beer. I believe it because He is sincere , He is the Prince of the Eternal Justice! "
" Darling that would be the trunk , poor them..! and the branches? "
"Listen soul of mine , are the other consciences as you are ? "
"Unfortunately they are not , otherwise you would not be here writing , but you would be on Holydays under Hawaii’s sun! "
" But …did I really had to inherit you, subtle conscience that doesn't let slip anything ? Ok, let’s go on: the branches are inside out and the leaves consequently detach from them, the fruits are sick for this the world is dieing , we need help because now there is not sap anymore and is better the God and the Goddess to be together a unique Trunk , yes I am sure of it! But will the branches want to stick to the true trunk , to them again? By now also the branches believe to be the trunk …how shall it be ? Their consciences are drugged , poor ones! They come in with false expectations produced by the wrong consciences ,made by a 'idea polarized in an icon of mind immobility , we must become elastic and move on , Universe is moving on , God is in movement, the Divine Couple is not static as the terrestrial beings , this error of evaluation is a human one that brought anything but catastrophes till today. Poor Gods so much job they have to do! What do You think conscience of mine? Have they killed all the servants of the God and all maids of the Goddess ? Will they succeed? "
" I say YES ,’cause I am the True love that also reassures everything , quenching the tired soul that turns to them . Therefore Son of the ancient Love , bow you , listen to the Word that comes to you , the Verb that guides you , while the sword of Light pursues on whom makes damage. The earth is sacred and is not of your ownership, the masters of the vineyard have returned to pick up their grape, don't fear of the heralds that advance playing the sacred gold trumpets, the salvation has arrived from the sky."
" At least!!! "
02/12/04 |